Domestic Hot & Cold Water System Disinfections

GMS Services Ltd have been providing clients with water disinfection services for many years. This includes routine cleaning and disinfecting of all hot and cold water systems, along with reactive issues that may arise following out of specification sample results or contamination issues following routine inspections.

Keeping water systems clean is fundamental to the control of waterborne bacteria. Fouling within water systems can provide nutrients and protect bacteria colonies from chemical disinfects. It is therefore essential that where possible, systems are kept clean at all times.

This is essential for drinking water systems fed from storage tanks. Water quality can be compromised if the holding tank becomes contaminated and is not regularly inspected and kept in a clean condition at all times.

GMS Services Ltd can provide full system disinfecting from the incoming cold water supply to all the water outlets within the property. This includes physical cleaning of cold water storage tanks and hot water storage vessels.

We also provide external mains water pipe disinfections to the new build industry, to ensure compliance to mechanical services companies who wish to connect new water services to the existing town mains water supply. This is a requirement by all local water authorities to ensure that back contamination of the existing supply cannot happen.

Find out how we can help you!

With our extensive experience in Legionella Risk Assessment Services & Water Treatment Services Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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We are on the move

We officially have a new home. As of 28th October, GMS will be living at Sovereign Business Park on Warrington Road. We are officially moving out of rented accommodation and after 27 1/2 years in business we have finally taken the plunge and moved into our own building. Watch this space as we develop the… Read more »

Housing Association fined £900k after putting resident at risk of exposure to legionella in the properties water system.

44 samples were found to be positive which indicated that the water system was colinised with Legionella Bacteria. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) sucessfully prosicuted Sanctury Housing and identified that they poorly managed the risk of legionella in the water system of Vincent Naughton Court, with staff inadequately trained and supervised. The residents were… Read more »